"Even when you're super drunk you still know which pillow is yours!!!"
So this weekend there was much chaos to be had. Friday I had the day off and I spent it going to the eye doctor, visiting friends at summer happenings, and then spending time with friends at my house. :) Emily, Dave and Brandon came over and we ate snacks and smoked a bunch of hookah and watched a bunch of arrested development.
On Saturday I worked all day and when I got off of work I went to the Fenton Hotel for Spencer's birthday. And I won't lie... the venue was definitely for the older generation. So we bought him some shots and we decided it was time to change settings. Brandon and I flew to the liquor store and bought some beer and hard liquor and met everyone back at my house and we drank and smoked hookah and watched arrested development.
This morning I woke up with one of the worst hangovers I've ever had. I took some tylenol put a bottled water at my bedside table and went back to bed. I woke up around 1 and then Brandon and I cleaned the kitchen/living room from last nights festivities and promptly went to CiCis where we gorged ourself on the buffet. Yum. My friend Erin also moved home today and I helped her unpack her car & U-Haul. We also were entertained by her 3 Year old brother, who was pretending to be a baby bird and basically getting in the way of us trying to unpack her stuff.
Now it's back to work for the week.... no more days off. But I think everyone is coming over on Friday again for Hookah & Hangout. :) And then fireworks on Saturday... but I'm not really sure I want to watch them because B will be at work and I have to work until 9:30. So whatever! We'll see what goes on.
An annoying thing is because of all the night-time activities this weekend I have like 16 mosquito bits on my FEET. It's driving me nuts!!!! One of them is even on the bottom of my foot... like how does that happen when I was wearing shoes???
PS. The awesome Grey Goose Lamp pictured above cost me $10 and it's SO cool. If I had a bar or specific drinking area I'd totally want more than one of these hanging around. I bought it from my friend who made them for her craft booth at the Summer Happenings!!!